Monday, December 16, 2013

The Principle of Uniformitarianism

1. Watch this VIDEO first to get an overview of the concept


Answer all practice and review questions on a Pages document.

Take the practice quiz

Then take the real quiz

Write down the answers to the 10 questions form me to correct.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Dam Homework

For your groups dam:

1. Wikipedia TOC
2. Video
3. 5 Images
4. Top 5 auto fill in on Google
5. Search one of those for more detail

Aswan High Dam
Edwards Dam
Folsom Dam
Grand Coulee Dam
Hoover Dam
Itaipu Dam
South Fork Dam
Three Gorges Dam

Friday, December 6, 2013

What Memorable Experiences Have You Had in Science or Math?

Sign in to comment on this blog to add your answers to the comment section below these questions. Graded Assignment!

1. What moments or concepts do you remember best from your education in science or math? What comes to mind when you think back over the best, or worst, moments in the science or math classes you have taken since you were a child? What lessons, activities or assignments were especially memorable? Why?

2. How have your experiences outside of school taught you about scientific, mathematical or technological concepts? For example, you might remember an exhibition at a science museum, or something you made or experimented with in an after-school club .

3. Based on your experience, what advice would you give teachers of these subjects? Why?


Choose THREE of the interviews in the New York Times article "Ideas for Improving Science Education" by Claudia Dreifus.

1. Identify the person; Name and who they are

2. Identify their Claim, Evidnece and Warrant of their answer to the question "If you could make one change to improve science education in the United States, what would it be?"

If you are still unsure about Claim, Evidence and Warrant click here for a description.

Type this in Google Docs or Pages and share it with me ( If you have updated to the new version of Pages, you can click the Share button and then type my e-mail address.